News — Proto-PIC

Which Leads and Prototyping Boards Do you Need for Your BBC micro:bit?

adafruit BBC micro:bit jumper leads kitronik micro:bit accessories proto-pic prototyping

Which Leads and Prototyping Boards Do you Need for Your BBC micro:bit?

There's a range of different leads and prototyping boards for the BBC micro:bit - this post walks you through from the very basic to the more elaborate, and explains when you might want to use each type.

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5 Hardware Add-ons Kits to Extend Your BBC micro:bit

4Tronix BBC coding hardware kitronik micro:bit micro:bit accessories Proto-PIC

5 Hardware Add-ons Kits to Extend Your BBC micro:bit

Hardware accessories extend the capabilities of the humble BBC micro:bit, by building on a familiar portable coding platform for mobile devices and Windows/Mac/Linux computers.

Listed in order from easiest to advanced, here's the top 5 hardware add-ons, starting with the easiest..

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