News — Lithium Polymer

Add a switch to your micro:bit or lipo battery projects

Lithium Polymer micro:bit accessories switch

Add a switch to your micro:bit or lipo battery projects

Add a switch to your micro:bit or lipo battery projects! This switch connects between a power supply that uses a JST plug, like a 3.3V micro:bit battery pack or a lipo 3.7V battery used for boards like the WEMOS D32. Adding a switch to your micro:bit prevents breakage from plugging in and unplugging the battery pack in your classroom or code club. Note: be sure to use the correct voltages with your devices e.g. a lipo 3.7V battery is too high a voltage for the micro:bit. Read more..

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Adafruit things for your Raspberry Pi and Circuit Playground Express!

Adafruit Battery Circuit Playground Express Infrared Lipo Charger Lithium Polymer OLED Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi 3b+

Adafruit things for your Raspberry Pi and Circuit Playground Express!

Here's a few useful things from Adafruit to help you get a bit more out of your devices! Charge your lipo battery with uninterrupted power to your Raspberry Pi Keep your Raspberry Pi running uninterrupted with this Adafruit board - by charging a lithium polymer battery while connected to external power.

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